Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5th

We are cautiously optimistic as Jack condition has improved. We can't describe how we feel for all of you who have been so concerned for Jack recently. I mentioned yesterday that soon after we held Jack he started to pee. His urine output has been consistent since then and has shown remarkable improvement. His head and chest measurements are 1.5 centimeters less than they were yesterday and he is being ventilated with much less effort. The treatment hasn't been changed during the past two days- only the removal of medicines he appears to no longer need. We are grateful to have climbed that mountain and are newly invigorated for the bumps that lay ahead.


Gary Church said...

I am very 'cautiously' doing flips in my head for little Jack! What a fighter! His strength moves me to tears!!

Wright Family said...

Thank the Lord! It is wonderful to hear the good news. We'll keep praying for you all. Bobby & Jen

Tenley, Robbie and Brooks said...

I am so grateful to hear that things are improving. Your little family is still in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, Darren and Jack,
We are thinking of you three. I hope you can hold him more, sounds like that is the trick.
My Grandma told us that when faced with a trial,her sisters and brother always say, "We've got alot of faith in this family, we'll pray us through this one". And we are all praying for you.
Take Care, Beth (Brown) Clayton

Ditto Family said...

So glad to hear Jack is improving a bit!

Anonymous said...

HURRAY, HURRAY, HURRAY! Three cheers for the power of prayer and of mommy and daddy's love. Celia called me and told me to look at this happy update. We've been so worried about you. Jack has been making my mascara run all day. Now, could you please tell him not to scare us like that anymore!?!

Lots of love and prayers for continued blessings.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news this time. It just goes to show you that a mother's & dad's love is very helpful and important. Please know that your thoughts, problems & every little bit of achievements with Jack are constantly in our thoughts & prayers every day. There are sooooo many people that are praying for him and feel your love is radiating within Jack. Keep fighting, Jack! love your family............Bernice & Varr

Kate said...

I've been thinking about your sweet family all day today. Know that our thoughts are prayers are with you!

Katie and Timothy Dudley

shar said...

sarah I think of you and darren and jack alot please give him kisses from me. He was holding his pee in protest until he got his mommy and daddy so I guess you stuck with him lol!! Can't wait to meet him and well miss you at the big opening but we will see you soon take care both of you

rdd said...

prayers and pee normally don't mix and i'm certain we won't find this combination connected in the handbook, but the 3Ps = powerful prayful pee just might be the core mix for Jack's miracle in the making. GO JACK GO! Utes and Sox win big, you might say a very sweet day for Sir Jack

Unknown said...

Sarah, Darren & Jack,

I'm not sure who we are more impressed with - Jack and his God given ability to fight on for his life every day in answer to all our prayers or the parents and their ability to share openly and candidly and honestly with the rest of us exactly how Jack is managing to overcome his daily challenges

Reminds me of Winston Churchill encouraging all who love England to carry on and over come all fears with these quotes :
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face

We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world"

Tom and Jan and family

Kristin Nelson said...

Sarah and Darren-
Words cannot express how much we wish there was more that we could do for you guys. We feel so sad for little Jack and yet he is an inspiration of the power of prayer. There isn't a day that goes by that we are not thinking about you or praying for you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. We love you all!!
Love, Kristin and Zach

Unknown said...

Gratitude unto the Lord abounds!
Grateful for the strength of dear Jack, Sarah, and Darren.

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
Love, Nancy and Ella

A and J said...

Sarah, Darren, & Jack,
We continue to pray for all three of you and send huge hugs from Boston. We love you.
xoxoxoxoAnn, Jamin, and kiddos

Guymon Family said...

Sounds like Love is stronger than medicine. Jack's lucky to have such loving parents. I pray you will soon be able to hold your baby anytime you want to.

Pamela said...

Queridos Darren y Sarah,

Seguimos orando por ustedes cada dia. Mantengan la esperanza y el animo!!
